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Raising your Vibration: The Key to Personal Growth and Transformation

Writer's picture:  Nicky Howard Nicky Howard

Updated: Nov 3, 2024

Many of us are familiar with the idea of “raising our vibrations” or staying in a “higher vibe,” but the concept of vibration goes much deeper and plays a crucial role in our personal growth. Understanding vibration, energy, and emotions isn’t just “woo woo”; it’s rooted in science and has profound effects on our lives. By tuning into these principles, we gain insights that allow us to align with our true desires, support our well-being, and elevate our experiences.


At the most fundamental level, everything in existence is made up of energy. We tend to think of ourselves as solid beings, but science—especially quantum physics—has shown that we’re primarily composed of energy. When scientists examine atoms at a subatomic level, they find no solid matter, only energy. Each atom is a force field of vibrating particles, meaning that everything, including us, is in a constant state of movement and vibration.

Let this sink in for a moment: you, me, and everything we encounter are all vibrating energy fields. This knowledge opens the door to understanding how our thoughts, emotions, and surroundings influence our lives.


Matter, energy, and vibrations can move at different speeds. For instance, solid objects, like ice, consist of particles vibrating at a slower rate. When you add heat, those particles speed up, and the ice melts into water, then evaporates into steam if the heat continues. The faster the movement, the lighter and more expansive the energy. This principle applies to everything, including our emotions and experiences.

By consciously working with the speed of energy and the vibrations in our lives, we can shift our perspectives, emotional states, and even our realities. We’ll be exploring practical ways to do just that, so stay with me as we dive deeper.

spectrum of colour
The colour spectrum

Color and Vibration

Every color we see is simply light vibrating at different speeds or wavelengths. Slower wavelengths, like red, create warm, grounding hues, while faster ones, like violet, give us cool, ethereal colors. Recognizing that each color has a unique vibration can help us use colors intentionally in our lives, as different colors can evoke different emotions and energies.

The Energy of Emotions

Our emotions are also forms of energy, each with its own unique vibration. Low-vibration emotions like sadness, fear, and guilt tend to feel heavy and slow-moving, which is why they can often feel like a weight on us. In contrast, emotions with higher vibrations—like joy, love, and gratitude—feel light, uplifting, and expansive. When we experience these emotions, we feel “lighter” and more open to positive possibilities.

Interestingly, even emotions within the “negative” range have variations. For instance, sadness and depression are low-energy and dense, but anger, while also low-vibration, has a bit more movement. This is why moving from deep sadness to anger can feel like an upward shift; it’s a step toward higher, more active emotions. Our aim should always be to keep climbing the emotional ladder toward joy and love.

David Hawkins emotional spiral scale
Where are you on this emotional scale?

Why Moving Up the Emotional Ladder Matters

Our lower-vibration emotions can act as obstacles, holding us back or making life feel harder than it needs to be. Imagine trudging through thick mud—it’s exhausting and slow. But when we “raise our vibration” by experiencing higher emotions, we feel lighter, and our actions flow more easily, like water in a river. At even higher vibrations, it’s like becoming steam, allowing us to rise above challenges and experience true freedom.

Since our bodies are made of around 70% water, our emotional states can actually affect our physical well-being. Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research showed how emotions influence the formation of water crystals, further illustrating how our feelings shape our physical reality.

Man climnbing a ladder
Your vibration is like a ladder

Visualizing the Emotional Ladder

Think of your emotions as rungs on a ladder, with each step representing a higher vibration. At the bottom of the ladder are emotions like sadness, worry, and fear. Life feels limited and heavy down here, and it’s challenging to see beyond our immediate struggles. But as we climb, we reach lighter, brighter emotions that allow us to see further and experience a broader, more hopeful perspective. At these higher levels, opportunities become more visible, and life flows more easily.

Higher vibrations not only improve our personal outlook but also influence what we attract into our lives.

The Law of Attraction and Vibration

The Law of Attraction is often misunderstood as simply wishing for what we want, but it actually operates on the principle of vibration. Like attracts like, meaning that the energy you project attracts similar energies back to you. This doesn’t just apply to things—it applies to experiences, people, and emotions as well. When we exist in a higher vibration, we’re naturally drawn toward experiences that align with that level. In the same way, when we’re feeling low, it’s easier to attract situations or interactions that match that energy.

We can’t reach higher vibrations from a low-vibration state without consciously shifting our energy. The Law of Attraction works based on our present emotional and vibrational state, so raising our vibration is key to aligning with the life we truly desire.

Raising Your Vibration

So, how do we actively raise our vibration? There are many effective ways to shift our energy upward, and here are a few core practices to get started:

  1. Do What You Love Engage in activities that make you feel happy, fulfilled, and fully alive. This could be anything from a hobby to spending time in nature or connecting with loved ones.

  2. Meditate Meditation is one of the most powerful ways to calm your mind, center yourself, and raise your vibration. It allows you to become more aware of your current emotional state and shift to a more peaceful, balanced energy.

  3. Listen to Uplifting Music Music is a potent tool for influencing mood and energy. Positive, high-vibration music can uplift your spirits and create a more positive atmosphere.

  4. Limit Exposure to Negative Influences Whether it’s horror movies, heavy news cycles, or certain kinds of music, some media can carry low vibrations. Limiting exposure to these influences can help you maintain a higher state of mind.

  5. Surround Yourself with Positive People The people around us have a direct impact on our energy. Spend time with people who uplift, inspire, and encourage you.

  6. Exercise Physical activity boosts endorphins and helps release stagnant energy, making it easier to shift into a higher vibration.

  7. Practice Gratitude Focusing on gratitude shifts your energy instantly by helping you appreciate what you have rather than focusing on what you lack.

  8. Release Negativity and Resentment Holding onto grudges or negative emotions can weigh you down. Forgiveness, both for yourself and others, frees up emotional energy for more positive experiences.

  9. Become Aware of Your Feelings and Energy Checking in with yourself regularly helps you recognize when you’re in a low vibration and empowers you to take steps to raise it.

These steps allow you to gradually elevate your vibration, enabling you to experience life more fully and attract experiences that match your desired state. The journey toward higher vibrations is one of continuous growth, and each small step forward adds to a greater sense of alignment and peace.

Embracing a Higher Vibration

When we start living with greater awareness of our energy and emotions, life transforms. We attract experiences, people, and opportunities that resonate with our true selves. Higher vibrations don’t mean you’ll never feel sadness or fear again; it means that you’ll be able to navigate these emotions without getting stuck in them.

Understanding vibration isn’t just a concept; it’s a way of life that encourages self-awareness, emotional growth, and personal empowerment. As you work with these principles, remember that every step upward on your vibrational ladder brings you closer to living in harmony with who you truly are. Keep raising your vibration, one step at a time, and watch as your life begins to reflect the peace, joy, and love within.

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